“Begin to begin and live to live…What one day brings another will forgive"

"I leap from cloud to cloud and collect raindrops for everyone to enjoy"

"I was born in the wrong era so I must continue to live in this one"

"A blank page of continuous white... with my mind to create what is to be seen in the night"

"The moon that rises... is full of subtle surprises"

-Yiorgos 2007

"You may look yet never see but it is I who am free because I truly choose to be"

"It is in the best interest of the man who thinks and not sees what lies beyond the unnoticed"

"I am so old school...You can call me Kindergarten"

"I will give my shoes and the shirt off my back but when my feet tire and it gets cold will you give them back"

"When Life hands me nuts I ask my Yiayia to help me make Baklava"

-Yiorgos 2006
© My works are not to be copied or distributed in any manner without my consent or approval

Voice that Mists my Mind

It is the voice that mists my mind
The berserk maniac tells me that there is nothing to find
I fight off the beast that challenges
Covered in sweat as I toe the mountains’ edges

Screaming, gasping for the fresh
Forces that bind keep me at forever unrest
I struggle with the peace for that is what I have in reach
Rage against time that will always be there to teach

My confessions of lost against the rotten ridden tree
What man can deny that the maniac does not live inside me
I cannot be free
For the plague that spreads is hidden not to see

Alone I suffer the anguish
The inane to will haunt with me to punish
Against the bare I will never survive
Once the tranquility dies it will be too late to try and revive

Blackness folds it fingers around my mane
It tells a tale of the lost confused men of the insane
Riddled with agony I stare at my demise
But where will you be when the whole world floods from the cries

Providing Strength Through Words

Wealth of knowledge contributes to societal forces much more than wealth and riches alone
Providing strength through words and teachings rule over those who have it all and sit on their throne
Happiness is the key to human existence because without it we fall into the greed and
negativity which leads to hate
The answer to this all is loving each other, capturing peace and communicating in any given mental state

Acceptance is disappearing as those who do not fit evaporate away as mist from broken wave
Discouraged individuals tend to give up easier if there is no one to support the way they chose to behave
Forces of karma can guide groups on the right or wrong path in life
Parallel universe speaks wonders to many as they accept to inherit its’ strife

See-sawing emotions spark mental anguish leading to disruptions in nature
More yet less describes the mind set as they walk through the clouds into the unknown future
Which way do you go
Choices you make towards good allows you to grow

Draft my Abode

Allowing the cold to draft my abode
From window’s crack snuck in on God’s breath it rode
Chilly sensation feeling the grip
An ominous sign shiver from the lips

Feeding my hunger I caress the fear
Sensing the nothing that approaches ever near
I understand what lurks is not man
One thing I can not deny as I still seek my master plan

Taken from what is not apparent
Reappeared again under stress ridden deterrent
My mind feels the cold which crept in unwanted
Walking the line with the bold and the untainted

Saturated by breeze that causes my demise
Editing my page the wind can only revise
Confusing glows and grows from anger
Frustrated from the time I spend searching for the danger

Aloud I yell and rip the mess from my breast
Watching from afar as the one’s who can chatter about what is best
I now choose to lock the pain that cracks
Glass separates my pain and prevents nature’s vicious attacks


I am the strength hidden in the darkness
Hidden within my actions is the ability to take you from the sadness
My power is that of pure knowledgeable reaction
Not by my muscles alone can I provide you with satisfaction

I am the strength behind the light 

Born from the stones and the earth I continue to the good fight 
In the truth I hide to seek to find
What craze is to the madman the strength is to my mind

Crowded and jumble thoughts insane with the pain
Allowing the voice to swell with pride signing of what it is to be vain
Pretend you have danced, pretend you can try
Imagine the birds and imagine you can fly

Shall I protect the spirit of the pure
Can I be the one who has the strength and can endure
I accept the pain and try to simply regain
In the corner of my psyche I know that I am not inane

Treacherous Cold Cases

Crowded, clouded, misunderstood 
Happy, sad, without respect and rude
Emotional messages concealed deep within forest’s grip
With life too precious to let death continue on its ship 

Disguised by mask the truth is hidden
For the joy has disappeared and what is left is the rotten and ridden
What a difficult day to display 
Diverted course to discover what may

A characteristic lost in devastation
To join the mournful souls that wander amongst the positive creation
Wanting to learn
Cannot be alive without feeling the burn 

An aggravated attempt to please
The strength to perceive without the squeeze
A violent rage, restless from worry
Guided by soreness secreted is plain fury 

Can one plead for peace and accomplish
Will it be too much to ask with just one wish
Needing to escape the darkness 
Looking away from the draining sadness

To change the course of time 
With more than normal feelings without sublime
Treacherous cold cases
Distinguishing the one who stands out amongst the sad faces


Within my speech pattern and strong level of communication is hidden an understanding of miscommunication mainly because I witnessed first hand a complete butchering of the English language. I am not making fun by any means and the reason I am not making fun is because the English language really makes no sense in many instances. Yes my grandmother has been banned from using the word sheet - at least in public and yes I was often left scratching my head when everyone kept saying him or he instead of she or her and vice versa. I mean I never knew who anyone was every talking about and who was coming over for dinner. Let's take some simple things like house; more than one house - houses. Now let's take mouse, spelled the same where as the first letter is the only difference. Why then is more than one mouse not mouses and why is it mice. Why not house - hice? Goose - geese but moose - moose not meese? Tooth - teeth but booth - booths not beeth? Wish - wishes but fish - fish not fishes? Who is in charge over there anyway and why all this nonsense - no wonder why my uncle is "looken forwards to becomes retarteds". So - I do not laugh at them, I applaud them because they speak the best they can and that English language is some difficult sheet to understand sometimes, huh? Imagining what I sound like when I speak all the other languages I have learned. I must be saying that I want to sleep on freezing clean shits and then I will be banned in public. I never correct them as this is who they are and I could really give 2 sheets and when my uncle is "retarteds" I will still scratch my head but will always accept and applaud his effort but I will take him aside and tell him that he can not call everyone a solamabeach corksoaker mudderfalker full of blueship bastages all while scratching his bells. But who am I to really say anything, if I had my choice I would have a monkey as a pet dress him up in a diaper so he doesn’t dump in his hand and throw it at people, make him climb on the counter so I do not have to fall down trying to get a glass, name him Little Big Mister King Kong Swings Alot, make him wear a yellow and red “monkamania” tank top and make him carry a man purse around when we go places so I do not have to have anything in my pockets.

Descriptive yet Exhibited

Philosophically speaking I walk against the grain in the rain of which will not refrain
Within a certain conjecture I learn the way of the day yearning to say
Pleasingly I laugh amongst the clowns in my town who paint their face with a frown
Thankfully I gain what I lack against the wall that contains my back with no rope to give slack

Inevitably I choose to win and not lose in competing against those
In knowing the philosophic debate I am never late to describe my feelings of irate
Pleasure versus pain again in the rain enough to overflow any modern drain
Look today it is not my way but I stay even though on the grass I can lay

Many beautiful scenes trapped in my mind with only one to find
Justified images intriguingly so with what to learn and what to know
Blanketed by darkness fighting any sadness laughing from madness
Descriptive yet exhibited dispelling the lost and the restrictive

In the Corner of the Dark

I have not yet seen all the places I need to see
I have not yet met all the people who were described so detailed to me
I have never been to the far reaches of written lore
I have not eaten at every café to taste what is in store

I may one day accomplish what I seek
I can but this may actually take more than one week
I will again return home to record my story
I must fill my mind but taste until I fill my belly

I have not seen these places
I have not seen the melting pot of smiling faces
I cannot go to the far reaches of entanglement
I have not dined at every foreign establishment

But yet I have seen
But yet I have met
But yet I have traveled
But yet I have eaten

Somewhere in the far reaches my imagination reaches
Somewhere in the corner my creativity is the thing that teaches
Somewhere in the darkness lies the people I chose to meet
Somewhere in my determination I have eaten all there is to eat

Time passes and the minutes tend to change my stride
For once again I keep the things to see hidden deep inside
May the ticking of time tell of my lengthy spark
Longing to be free as I sit alone staring in the corner of the dark

Bird Following Me

There is a bird following me
I think he is from the place at the sea
I know because I saw him there
It has to be him because he said beware

He spoke to me in this funny broken beak
The people listening did not hear anything but squeak
I though heard what he said
Spoke of some crazy Rasta long haired dread

Said he was going to get me
Said he was the music that I liked at the sea
He said… I think he said
Spoke of the man that they called bobodread

What I am saying
Is that the bird spoke to me against the winds swaying
It was the lizards at the beach that were his friends
They were there to make simple amends

The bird that follows me is there
I speak with him often as it is him that says he will care
I see him out of the corner of my eye
I know of his wisdom and why he has to try

The bird can be my friend
I know for a fact it is the bar that he will tend
I will throw a party for me
He will be there with a bottle of JD

Why not
Maybe even do a shot
He can pour the drinks
But don’t get too close, when he speaks his beaky mouth stinks


At 4.02am the tide became low. At 9.50am the tide became high and mysteriously I awoke at this time. At 2.56pm the wind shifts mysteriously as it does almost daily and brings me a little of what I need. I watch the tide roll out at 3.58pm so that it is once again low. At 9.59pm the tide rises to the high and to me I am not there but I feel it inside. I flow as the tide and I sail on the wind. Mysteriously I walk amongst the sand granules that contain the pain. Not which is of mine but which is of the sailors past. Each stride, everyday inside, I flow like the tide. My moon of which sometimes disappears is still there to pull me. My sun which is not always apparent is there to warm me. Mysteriously I am aware and mysteriously no one may really care. I feel this everyday whether I be here on my sandy beach or far…far…away. Whether I am floating amongst the blue or I am walking amongst the true. What changes me also makes me stronger and what it is that tries to erode my thoughts makes me remember. Mysteriously I am. I am. In a certain spirit of nature I focus on myself and make my attempt to control an emotion of rising tides. I make the same attempt to control the feelings contained in the low tide. May this be the most difficult part of my yesterday, today and tomorrow. May this be the most difficult part of me. What can it be. A summer wind to cool my emotion enough to compliment the rising tide. A summer wind to warm me enough to eliminate the lows inside. In speaking of such it is I who will admit that I dare. I open my eyes and see what is not there because it is I who will admit that I care.

What I Need is New

Creating a fertile ground
Wanting to be more than what is found
In any book of typed text
Not wanting to see what is next

Look and see what it is to be free
I walk through the rocks that lead me back to the sea
Turn one last time to see what is mine
I join Poseidon in order to make me feel fine

What I long for is what I lust
In a descriptive voice of which I must
I underestimate my power
I need not climb the rock to ring the bell at the highest tower

I am alone at the edge of the shore
My quest is not complete and I fight for more
May my day continue to shine a reflection off the blue
With my life to follow what I need is new

The Only Thing I Know

The only thing I know for certain is that I do not know anything at all and I have stated this many a time in the past and I restate this now as I have realized that my quest for knowledge and to learn is very demanding. I need to learn and I need to be taught what it is that is not hidden in any book or writing. I realize that as much as I know I need to learn something else. I often question and get an answer but when I do not receive the answer my thought process wanders. I realize this about myself and maybe I am mistaken but I do not think so. I always look to learn so that I can grow. I think too much about things and look towards myself for the answer. I guess maybe I just need justification. Maybe this is me and in following my heart I got lost in my brain. For what I have done to myself is eliminate any fear and I stand out in the rain. I think of the things that have no answer and I display myself as the crab hidden within the month of cancer. In trying to understand I get lost in misunderstanding. In trying to accept I get lost in the depth. Within my positive is the positive but then again it may be confusing. I should not always question and I should sit back one day and just take a better understanding of the direction. I have a certain aspect of my life that is confusing and that fact is photographic. In trying to be a hero to all I ask someone to save. In standing amongst the weak I look to be the one that is brave. All this yet I know nothing. All this and yet I seek and all this and I will never allow me to be weak. I admit it today and will look towards tomorrow.


Within the ubiquitous
Gazing at the presence in awe inspired plenteous
Arranged amongst the despots of yore
To stride in time looking to swim ashore

With no desire of rhythm coated harangue
Backing into the corner with no one to entertain
Despite the direction of signature maneuvers
Breaking into a cold sweat swearing with random fervors

Intriguing way to spark conversation amongst the emotionalism
Deflecting light in three stages straight from diamond coated prism
Feelings held as described medically as vascoconstrictive
Dripping from the uncontained metal coated sieve

Abiding ubiquitous
Afternoons with quiet reminisce
Nights of interlingual rendition
Speak in a lexicon of letters to take a position


One may define time as constant to communicate the point that nature is controlled by instinctual rituals. A salmon will swim upstream because inside the salmon is a time mechanism which tells it when and where. The ability to reason has cut mans instinctual qualities and has limited them. Man yet is still controlled by the constant. Continuing into what is unknown by making decisions ergo forfeiting instincts hence allowing man to resist time. Throughout time man has pondered the universe and everything around. You cannot feel time, you cannot hear time, and you cannot taste or smell or ever touch time. But it is there amongst the care despite the fight carrying the light. It is easy to count numerically and eventually come to a calculated sum. But I really don't care either way as long as I remain short dark and handsome.

What May

Inside what may lay against the stars and against the day. Inside to find what may lie and what may hide against the night and against the sky. In a twinkle of eye in the sky the stars do try. In the day dream the clouds conform against the norm to display what they may. I bring you up close so you can fly above the designs that the clouds chose. To see from afar and to see as a star to see as if it was the wish contained in the ocean's last fish. Within the blue it is all new and I find you amongst the true. The sun is there to make me aware that the blue has a light of beautiful hue. Inside what may lay contained in the night and contained in the day.

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